
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Sewing Tuesday: Very easy Halloween blingy cat ear headband.

It's Halloween tomorrow! Woo!
Here's how to make some last minute blingy cat ears if you've forgotten that you need a costume!
They take about 20 mins to make.

 You will need:

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Sewing Tuesday: Giant eyeball

Did you see in the news that this giant eyeball washed up on a beach in Florida? Imagine finding that thing on your morning walk!

They think it might be from a giant squid!

Let's make one! It's nearly Halloween after all.

You will need:

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Sewing Tuesday: Glam fish stuffie

This week I'm going to show you how to make this glamorous fish.
Strictly Come Dancing has started on TV and so I'm all excited about sequins and sparkles and pink. 
I liked the shape of the fish picture I made last week so I thought I'd use the template again in a different way. :D

Here's how to make your own fish, you can decorate it anyway you want, you don't have to go glam, you could have beads or spots of different coloured felt or anything you like.

You will need: 

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Sewing Tuesday: Reverse applique spangly fish picture

Hi! First a quick update from last week's competition, SUSSEXMOUSE won the doodle monster puppet! Well done Marion! She named him Mr Bunting. :)

Now then, back to this week's project.
This week I learned how to reverse applique!
It's where you sew on to layers of fabric then cut the top layer away to show what's underneath.
I made this spangly fishy picture with reverse applique! 

Want to know how to make one? Your shape doesn't have to be a fish it could be any shape you like!

You will need: