
Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Puppy Embroidery.

This week is going to be puppy themed to celebrate our new puppy! He's black and white and very cute. He's sleeping at the moment.
I'm going to show you how to sew this puppy embroidery. There are lots of places that might look good with some puppy embroidery. You could sew it on to a 'T'shirt, frame it and hang it on the wall in your room or stick it on the front of a birthday card and send it to a friend.

You will need:

  • Two different colours of felt. Make sure you have one light colour. I used black and white.
  • Paper.
  • Scissors.
  • A Pen.
  • Needle.
  • Black thread or a colour that goes with the felt you are using.
  • Two small beads.

Step 1.
Draw a picture of a puppy. You can copy mine if you like or make up your own. If you have a dog you could draw then that's great! Use the pen to make the lines quite dark.

Step 2.
Trace your drawing on to the light coloured felt. You can hold it up to the window like I did to see through to the picture.

Step 3.
Sew around the all the lines you drew on to the felt using back stitch. Check out my 'Sewing Basics' post in the 'GETTING STARTED!' section of the blog at the top right of the page if you aren't sure about back stitch.

It should look like this:

Step 4.
Sew the beads on where the eyes should be.

Step 5.
Cut out lots of patches in the other colour of felt and arrange them around the puppy to give him some markings. Sew them on with a few stitches around the edge.

And you're done! I'd love to see any puppy sewing that you do! Add your pictures to the Flickr group here: 
See you next week!


  1. Hi, I've been following yur blog for about a month now, and really enjoy the sewing stuff. I don't see how to contact you privately. I'm having a giveaway on my blog that you may like to share with your readers. It's at if you'd like to see!

  2. Hi! Thanks Sue, glad you are enjoying the sewing! I'll be sure to mention your giveaway on Tuesday. :D
