
Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Christmas Stocking.

Hi! It's nearly Christmas, HOORAY! Here's how to make you own Christmas stocking, it's really easy.
Here's mine in our Christmas tree, it has a lining and everything so it's very neat looking.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Christmas Star Creature Costume.

Hello! I made this star costume for Blue Creature this week, it's a really easy one. Since he's a finger puppet, you could use the bottom opening to put him on the top of your Christmas tree!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Creature Christmas Pudding Outfit.

Hi! This week, I made this Christmas pudding outfit for Blue Creature. Here's how to make your own!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Blue Creature finger puppet and his reindeer outfit.

Meet my new friends! They're called Creatures. This is Blue Creature in his reindeer outfit.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Buur's Trousers.

This week I'll show you how to make Buur's smart trousers. I used my star bracelet as a belt. Doesn't he look fancy!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Buur's Festive Jacket.

Hi! This week I'm going to show you how to make a festive red jacket for your teddy or doll. If your toy doesn't look good in red, make it a different colour.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Evil Witchy Mouse: Part Two.

Hi! Here's part two!

Step 3.
The Body.
Fold your mouse body in half so that it looks the same shape as the pattern piece again. Put a pin through to hold it still. Sew up the curved edge with over stitch with your green thread like in the picture below. Don't sew up the bottom!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Evil Witchy Mouse: Part One.

Hi there!
On Saturday I brought home some oak twigs with leaves after I went to the park with Hopper. They look pretty in my favourite vase. I was very surprised to find this evil little witchy mouse hiding in them! She bit my finger when I tried to pick her up! She was horrid but kind of cool.
I thought I'd make my own, more friendly witchy mouse. Here's how to make one for yourself!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Great new crafty site.

Hello! This week I want to show you this great site:

I have a profile on there and I've uploaded the Schneeky Schnake so far.

It's such good fun looking at all of the cool projects on there!

Hope you are all getting to do more sewing than I am. My sewing box is starting to miss me! Hehe.
More projects coming soon!

Happy Sewing!

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Part Two: Red Red Robin.

Hello again! 
Here's the second part of Red Red Robin.

Step 6.

Sew one of the red breast pieces on to the body piece using over stitch like this:

Monday, 3 October 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Part One: Red Red Robin.

Hi folks!
I've been thinking about Christmas! I know, it's a while away yet but this year I'd really like to make all of our decorations. So I think starting early is a really good idea.
Here's part one of how to make this Red Red Robin tree decoration. He has a smart hat.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Sewing Tuesday.

Phew! Training and taking care of a little puppy is hard work and takes up a lot of time!

So, I found this lovely site full of ideas to keep you going while Hopper does some growing up!

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Hopper's Bait Bag.

Hi folks!
This week I'm going to show you how to make this Puppy Bait Bag. It's to keep all of Hopper's treats in for when we're out and about. When he's a good boy he gets a treat!
I made it out of an old pair of jeans. You could use it to keep anything in if you don't have a puppy to treat. :)

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Hawaiian Flowers.

We are going to a Hawaiian themed party on Wednesday so I've been cutting out Hawaii style flowers from felt to decorate our outfits with. I figured out a nifty way of cutting them out so I thought I'd share it!
You might want to try it on a piece of scrap paper first as a practice.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Hopper the Puppy

This little fluff ball needs so much attention right now that I've not had time to do any sewing!
What I can do is let you know about a few fun websites I visit when I have a few minutes to spare. :)

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Puppy Embroidery.

This week is going to be puppy themed to celebrate our new puppy! He's black and white and very cute. He's sleeping at the moment.
I'm going to show you how to sew this puppy embroidery. There are lots of places that might look good with some puppy embroidery. You could sew it on to a 'T'shirt, frame it and hang it on the wall in your room or stick it on the front of a birthday card and send it to a friend.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Sewing Tuesday: The New Puppy!

Hi! Sewing Tuesday is on a break this week as we have a new puppy! His name is Hopper and he's a Border Collie. We picked him up from the farm on Monday.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Drawing Lab by Carla Sonheim Lab #11

This is me and Ben at a party a couple of Christmases ago. I don't look like me but I think Ben looks like Ben although his hair is way too big!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Baby Penguin.

Hi! I saw in the news that people have discovered a new thing about penguins! When penguins huddle together for warmth they do a kind of Mexican wave to shuffle everyone around, making sure everyone has a turn in the middle! 

This Mexican wave penguin huddle is pretty cute. But a Mexican wave baby penguin huddle would be even cuter!
Here's how to make your very own Baby Penguin. Maybe you could make a whole huddle! Let's just start with one though.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Super Hero Costume.

This week I'm going to show you how to make a super cool Super Hero Costume that you can wear yourself or give as a present to a dad or a granddad for Father's Day. Better still you could get together and make a costume each. 

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Drawing Lab by Carla Sonheim: #10 At the Coffee Shop.

I really enjoyed this one, the first drawing is my favourite. :)

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Sewing Tuesday: The Basics

Oh hello!
This week I'm going to show you the basic techniques that I use when I'm sewing the Sewing Tuesday projects.You can go through the information here and practice it on a scrap of fabric, or go ahead and start any Sewing Tuesday project and come back to this page if you get stuck. :)

Sewing Terms.
  • Right side - This is the patterned side of the cloth, or the side that you want to show on the outside.
  • Wrong side - This is the back of the cloth, the un-patterned side, the side you don't want people to be able to see. Usually the wrong side of the fabric ends up on the inside of your sewing.
  • Seam - The line where the stitches hold two bits of cloth together.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Inquisitive Bird.

This week, I'll show you how to make this inquisitive bird.

He asks a lot of questions. He doesn't always expect an answer though, so don't worry. He just likes to ask and wonder. He also understands that some things are just the way they are for no particular reason.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Schneeky Schnake.

Hi there!
This week I'm going to show you how to make this Schneeky Schnake. He's hiding, in camouflage against my red curtains at the moment. 

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Bengali the Tiger.

This week's project is an easy one, good for adapting to your own design!
I have made a tiger keyring with a simple teddy bear shape. You could make any animal this way, a panda, a monkey, a polar bear, just choose different colours of felt and decorate them with different features. You could sketch a few simple teddy shapes and draw different animals on to them, this will help you decide what to make.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Cute Frog

I found a frog in our fuchsia plant! It was a real frog, but he must have hopped away as he wasn't there any more this morning. So, I decided to make my own frog, here's how to make a felt frog of your very own.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Drawing Lab by Carla Sonheim #6 Index card multiples.

I really enjoyed this one, I loved drawing really fast with out worrying about the end result.
Here's my original dog sketch:

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Illustration Friday 'Lesson'

Here's Ben having a double bass lesson! He's getting pretty good at it now. :)

Take a look at this week's entries at!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Sewing Tuesday: The lizard named Lionel.

A friend mentioned to me that she couldn't find any fun sewing projects that boys might like.
So, here's Lionel, he's a lizard. I'm going to show you how I made him today, so that you can make a brother or sister for him. Lizards are not just for boys, but I know more than a few boys who like lizards.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Drawing Lab by Carla Sonheim #3

#3 My Pet Project.

Quick studies of the little cats, Poppet and Leroy at my parents house. 

 I like the paws. Cute little pads.

Poppet and Leroy are getting pretty old now, they don't chase around any more. Neither of them kept still for very long though, even when they looked like they were sleeping.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Royal Wedding embroidery.

Hi there! 
I am away visiting friends and family for the Easter holidays, that's why I've chosen to do some embroidery. Embroidery is great for when you don't have a lot of time all at once and you might need to put down what you're doing and play with a cat or go for a walk or something. Embroidery is great as you can put it down and pick it up whenever you like.

I asked my friend Miss Topper what she thought I should embroider. She thought something about the Royal Wedding would be nice, since it's coming up on Friday. So, here's my design. 

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Drawing Lab by Carla Sonheim

#2 Blind Contour Giraffes.

Today's exercise only took a few minutes but I feel like I've learned a lot about giraffes! I think I'll do this every time I try to draw something I've not drawn before.

You really do notice things you hadn't before. I didn't know about those wrinkly bits on their chests for one thing.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Easter Chick-a-Dee

Hi there! Here's who I'm going to show you how to make this week.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Drawing Lab by Carla Sonheim - Thursday Spot.

I contacted Carla Sonheim this week to see if she minded me blogging about my progress through her book, also if there was anyone else out there doing the same thing. She replied today, yay! She said that she didn't mind at all and that a while ago she'd set up a group on Flickr where people could share their drawings! :) Great!

Here's the group

Her book is really good fun, 52 drawing exercises that take the pressure off the end product, sometimes I really need something to get me drawing, to take away the fear of going wrong or doing a 'bad' drawing. I'll be working my way through and showing the results here on a Thursday.

So here's the first one!

#1 Drawing Cats in Bed.

My initial drawings:

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Sewing Tuesday: Miss Kitty's Top Hat.

Welcome to Sewing Tuesday!
I'm going to show you how to make Miss Kitty's Top Hat, here she is modelling it for us.

Illustration Friday 'Bottled'

Here's this week's entry:
I couldn't decide which to use so I'm using them all. :)

Check out the other entries, there are some great ones this week!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Sewing Tuesdays

Tuesday on Holloughby will now become Sewing Tuesday! Check back here on the 12th April after school, about 4/5pm, to find simple, fun sewing projects for you to try at home. :)
The children who have attended my sewing or art clubs might recognise this little guy.
His name is Boid.

Hope to see you here next week!

Illustration Friday 'Duet'

I sketched of a couple of warbling kitties for the theme 'duet'. :)

Friday, 25 March 2011

Illustration Friday 'Toy'

This week's word is 'Toy'

Check out the entries at :)

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Introducing The Blog Frog

Ooh, first post nerves. :)
Introducing The Blog Frog. My amphibious friend.

He'll be here every day, hanging out on the Holloughby sign, keeping a googly eye on things! There's something friendly about frogs, it must be memories of Kermit and Robin from the Muppets. :)