
Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Sewing Tuesday: Bunny puppet. Your Easter egg hunt assistant.

Hello! It's nearly Easter! Oh yay for chocolate eggs and bunnies and holidays!
Here's a bunny finger puppet for you to make, he'll help you search for those hard to find eggs in your Easter egg hunt.

You will need:

  • Bunny coloured felt
  • White and pink felt for ears and teeth.
  • Thread to match your bunny and dark coloured thread for the details.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil and paper.
  • Pins.
  • A needle.
  • A bunny design, it doesn't have to be the same as mine.

Step 1.
Basic shapes.
Draw a big arch around your finger on your paper like I have in the picture below. This will be the body shape of your bunny.

Draw his ears and feet, then join the line across the bottom of the bunny. Cut this main body shape out and draw around it on your bunny felt. Cut it out of the felt.

The grey shape on the right below is the main body shape. Take your paper body shape and cut off the ears and feet, what you are left with is the front body shape. Draw around this on your felt and cut it out.

Step 2. 
Decorating! My favourite step. 
I cut out my bunny design and kept it close by while cutting out the pieces I wanted to decorate my bunny with. You could colour your bunny design first if you wanted to. Keep in mind that it doesn't have to be the same as mine!
I cut out the following:
  • Two inner ear pieces in pink.
  • One nose in darker pink.
  • Two teeth in white.
  • One tail in white.

Glue these bits down when you have decided where they should go. The face goes on the front body shape. Glue the inner ears so they slightly overlap the body at the bottom.

Time to sew on the little details! I did a few stitches on top of each other for his eyes. Take a look at my GETTING STARTED post at the top right of the blog if you get stuck or aren't sure how to start sewing.

Following my bunny design I stitched with back stitch around his mouth and nose. Keep your stitches really small and it'll look great. You could draw these lines on with pencil if you wanted to first.

My bunny design has little front feet and toe marks on his big back feet. Your bunny might be different to mine.

Last step.
Pin the front body on to the main body like in the picture below.

Stitch around the outside of your bunny using over stitch and matching thread. Sew through the ears and tail staying close to the edge of your bunny's body.

Tada! One helpful Easter bunny puppet.
Hope he finds lots of eggs for you!


  1. Your bunny made me smile :) It is good that he has a body and not just a head like a lot of finger puppets. Marion x

  2. Thanks Holly for the darling bunny tutorial: Here is the link please drop by and leave a comment:

